My Goals for 2016 | Autumn Hope

12:00 PM

I think that 2015 treated me pretty well overall. But, as I always say, there's always room for improvement! I plan on making quite a few changes this coming year to hopefully guarantee a successful year. I know people always set goals for themselves that they break within two days and, trust me, I've done that far too many times! Last year I didn't even set any resolutions because I knew they were useless.

Goal One: Improve my makeup skills
I spend a majority of my time perusing youtube and fantasizing at the many amazing makeup tutorials. I don't know if you've seen my Youtube channel but I've tried to make my own and I'll be honest, I am defiantly not proud of the outcome. This year I want to master the art of makeup - that includes the terrifying contouring trend.
Goal Two: Eat healthy and exercise
I know this is really typical and pretty much everyone and their mothers says that they'll do this and defy it the next day. I really want to keep this resolution this year. About a month ago I stayed really healthy because I had a shoot coming up that required me to wear a bathing suit and I felt so confident and good during that time! Granted, I'm writing this post-eating a cookie, bagel, and ice cream.
Goal Three: Devote myself
By devoting myself, I mean to my blog/youtube channel. I post pretty regularly on my Youtube channel but my blog has been sadly neglected. I love photography and writing so no excuses! I just need to make time in my uber busy schedule for this.
Goal Four: DIY my life away
I always plan on doing some elaborate DIYs but I never actually end up carrying it out. I really want to try to do any, and all, DIYs possible and hopefully blog/vlog about them!
Goal Five: Keep up a journal
I tried to keep one last year, you know those five-year journals, but it ended in September. Recently I went through and filled out all the days I missed and I've kept it up a few days but I think it would be a great thing to have in the coming years so I really wanna keep up with it.
Goal Six: Stay tidy
My room has been collecting a bunch of clutter and it makes it so unenjoyable to be in there. I plan on organizing it first thing next year and keeping it super clean and gram worthy.

Those are my six resolutions for the new year! I'm not one to only change my ways at a certain time so there probably will be a bunch more in the coming months and, if you'd like, I could add them to this list or make a completely different post letting y'all know what those are. I hope you all have a great New Years Eve!

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