September Favorites | Autumn Hope

3:24 PM

Do you know what time it is? That's right, one of the best times of the year...FALL! So I don't know if you noticed, but last night was the autumnal equinox which was the official start of the autumn season. Now, I may be extremely dumb because I was looking at the sky last night and saw nothing. Was there actually something to look at for the equinox? Anyways, to celebrate the beginning of the season, I thought I'd share the products I've been loving this month.


1. Pomegranate Raspberry EOS Lip Balm

These are the most moisturizing things in the world! Once, my lips were so chapped to the point where I couldn't even smile and like twenty minutes after I applied my EOS, boom shackalaka, ninety nine percent better. Defiantly recommend these.

2. Tarte Lip Surgence

I absolutely love this color. I just think it's perfect for anytime of the year and can be worn with pretty much anything. I am not one to go too dramatic on the makeup so this is the perfect shade. The picture makes it look really red, but I promise it isn't. If anyone wants a swatch, just comment down below!

3. Ahava Hand Cream

Imagine a baby's butt as your hands. Okay, no that sounds gross. Let me rephrase that. This cream makes your hands so soft, just like a baby's bum. Yeah, that sounds a bit better.

1. Peach Ginger Republic of Tea 

The perfect way to start off any day. I talked about this in my August favorites and I can guarantee it'll be many other posts.


1. Taylor Swift - Shake it Off

I know this isn't her typical music but I love it! I would prefer her country songs any day but she is Taylor Swift, therefore she can pull off anything.

2. Maddie and Tae - Girl in a Country Song

Okay they are like the new old Taylor Swift...make sense? No? Okay, let me clarify. They sing songs similar to those that Taylor Swift used to sing when she was more country. They only have one single out but another one is releasing soon. 

1. Doctor Who 
Just last month season eight was released and it's better then it has ever been. The graphics are great, but I prefer Matt Smith as the doctor. I find Capaldi very hard to understand at times. No offense to the that his fan name? Capaldias? Capldis?

2. Once Upon A Time
Season four is starting in only five days! This show can't even be described with words! Just, do me a favor and start watching this show. You will not regret it.  

What were your favorites this month? Comment down below and let me know!

"Paint me like one of your french girls"

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