Back to School Essentials To Help You Get Through The Year | Autumn Hope

3:30 PM

Hi guys! So it's that time of year again. Yup, that's right, it's time for school. School shopping is probably the only exciting part about August. Other than that, it's the time where you need to scramble and finish all of your summer work in a few days. So, to make this process a little less stressful here are some items that I find essential for the upcoming school year. Enjoy!

During the school year, you see your friends constantly so they will notice if you start getting pimples. This Neutrogena Facial Cleanser is the perfect thing to prevent break outs! All you need to do is scrub it on your face at night and then wash it off. Simple as that!
A mascara is very important to have during the school year to make you look more awake during the day. This is the SEPHORA Clear Defining Mascara. I got it last year and it has come in so handy! It's the perfect mascara for school's early mornings when you are too tired to be precise. Sadly, this product is no longer sold -- At least not online -- but there are many other similar ones that I've not tried out, like the Covergirl Clear Mascara 
After staying up the entire night, you'll be extremely happy to have Garnier Eye-Cooler handy. It is supposed to decongest excess fluid for diminished dark circles and puffiness around your eyes. I have not tried this product yet, but if you want me to do a little test on my blog to see if it works, I'd be more than happy to!
This is probably the simplest cosmetic item I have...but also an affective one! This Cake Batter Chapstick smells AMAZING and keeps your lips moisturized and ready for the day! I just picked this up a few months ago while checking out at Wal-Mart. I still use it every night and I can tell my lips aren't as chapped.
This next item is from Bath and Body works. It is the Be Enchanted Fragrance Mist and it smells SO GOOD. It has a sweet vanilla smell and...I'm not even sure what else! It's bottle is plastic which is really helpful because it wont break in your backpack or locker. Plus since the smell is so strong, you don't need to use a lot so it lasts!
Don't you hate those awkward moments someone comments on your chappy hands or knees? I get that all the time and I usually can't do anything but blush and walk away. So this year, I am going to bring this bad boy, Warm Vanilla Sugar Lotion.
And lastly, I decided to include something that was related to the actual part of school...the work. It's everybody's least favorite part so let's all at least have something cute to carry it around in. This Crochet Bag is from Claire's and it's just super cute and casual. I have worn it to the mall multiple times and I'm excited to see if it is big enough to hold all of my school supplies.

What are your school essentials? Use the hashtag #BacktoSchoolwithAutumn and let me know, or write a comment!

Disclaimer: I am not sponsored by any of these companies, all pictures are my own.

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